2022 – The Year in Review

Dec 18, 2022

In 2022 Wall Street English celebrated its 50th anniversary! Since 1972 we’ve been helping people improve their lives through English. Every year that we’ve been teaching English we’ve focused on making sure our students get the results they need whilst also having fun with English. That’s 50 years of better futures. 50 years of going further for you!

2022 – An Important Year: Going further around the world

At Wall Street English we’re now going further in the world with some big news with the official opening of Wall Street English Algeria (www.wallstreetenglish.dz). Our English school in Dely Ibrahim is well located in Algiers and offers in-person courses as well as the ability to learn English online. You can even join exciting social activities around the local neighborhood such as a guided walking tour in English! Why not come to say hello to the Wall Street English team in Algeria?

Do you want to find out more about the opportunities for investing in English around the world and get the details of how you can open a Wall Street English center in your country? Find out more on our franchising site : franchise.wallstreetenglish.com/franchise-opportunities

Going further online

We’re not just going further for our students in-person but now we’re going further in the digital world as well with our 100% online learning experience. 

We’ve developed our own Global Online Classroom that allows our students to join classes online with students from all around the world with highly qualified teachers that are experts in teaching English online. One of the best things about learning to speak English is the ability to talk to people from different countries and cultures – with the Wall Street English online classes it really is a global language!

We currently have 26 territories with adult students taking classes in our global classroom and we’re starting to make it available for teenagers in some countries. In September 2022 alone, we had just over 42,000 students who took classes in our online classroom. There are going to be around 190,000 classes offered throughout 2022 with a mix of the full class types available. You can learn English with our Private offer which is like a ‘VIP’ class where you get one-to-one attention from a teacher. Then there are our normal small classes where you learn with a maximum of 3 other students that are at the same level as you.

However, it’s not just the small classes that you can join in our Global Online Classroom, it’s also available for extra conversation practice classes and online social clubs, where you can put the language that you’ve learnt in our course to practice. There’s a whole series of fun online sessions that you can book at a time that suits you. These sessions have a bigger group of other students as well so you get a chance to socialize and make friends all in English.

Going further with our course

At Wall Street English, we’re constantly looking to the future... of English language learning, of our business and of the lives of our students and staff. Over the last 50 years, we’ve always been innovating whether it’s in ongoing development of our learning tools and investments in the best tech or with regular improvement of our proven method to make sure you really learn English.

In 2022 we’ve improved many of the tools that are available to learners like you, including digital student workbooks which are now updated and available on your computer and within our learning apps. We’ve also improved our study planner and class booking tools so it’s even easier than before to find the class time that suits you.

Our teachers have gone further for you

In our 50th year we’ve also shared some special stories about our English teachers that really make the learning experience special and support all our students with their studies. We celebrated our teachers on World Teacher’s Day on 5th October. One of our teachers, Diane has even been teaching English with us for 34 years! Wow, that’s the definition of going further, we think. 😊Check out here video on our Instagram account: www.instagram.com/p/CjU-dwkjL80

Going further for more English learners

As we mentioned, over the last 50 years Wall Street English has helped more than 3 million adult students improve their English. In 2022 this premium learning experience has been expanded to include even more people. We now offer the same proven method in a specific English course for teenagers aged 13-17.

Parents want to find the best way to help their child learn English but fitting in extra activities into their schedules can be difficult. The Wall Street English Teens course gives parents the experience, support and results that they need whilst also making sure that the teenage student has fun in an international learning environment with all the flexibility that the want. Find out more on our website: English course for your child 

Go further with business

Although it’s not new in 2022 we have been expanding and improving our offer to corporations for their employees to learn English using the same Wall Street English method. We re-launched in Germany with a new online B2B English course. The Corporate course offers business owners, HR teams and training managers detailed progress reports, personal account managers, flexibility for course access and several other benefits that will deliver Return on Investment (ROI) for your business.